Google Classrooms, an education enhancement product by Google.
Internet without Google is hard to imagine and taking the educational aspects to a whole new level, Google had introduced its educational products. Basically, Google classroom offers an online platform for teachers and students to interact, it's like a virtual classroom that is online. Here the teacher can share the notes, study media and et cetera. The best part of it is the assignments, a teacher can upload assignments & the students receive an update via email regarding the deadlines and other relevant data. Having this information conveyed the students can work on the assignment, complete it and upload it in the classroom online. In this way the traditional printing and checking task could be eliminated, once the assignment is uploaded the teacher can review and also awards grades to the students based on the assignments.
This is a very good product and at the moment it's free for access....
So Now Let's get started...
If you're a Teacher, you might want to create a classroom, so follow the steps as below:
- Visit
- Sign in with your Google account with which you wish to create and operate the classroom
- Click on the '+' (plus) button at the top right and then click on create class.
- Then enter the details about the class name and subject details and click on create.
- In this way, you can create the classroom.
- Once you've created the classroom, its time to add students to it.
- You can invite students by click on the student's tab and then by entering their email address you can add them.
- Alternatively, you can share the classroom code with your students which can be used by them to join the class.
Learn to Create a Class within a Minute
I suppose its much of an introduction for the teachers..
Now for the students,
A few steps are common with an only difference of using the code to join the classroom, follow the steps as below:
- Visit
- Sign in with your Google account with which you wish to create and operate the classroom
- Click on the '+' (plus) button at the top right and then click on join class.
- Then type the code that you got from your teacher.
- Alternatively, you can ask your teacher to send you an invite which you can accept via email.
Learn to Join a Class within a Minute
So in this way, both the student and the teacher can be connected on a common platform to share the important notes and assignments! It is available as an android app also.
Additional information, if you're from Department of Civil Engineering at Trinity College of Engineering and Reseach, you can access the Google Classroom Codes of all the faculties by clicking here.
Additional information, if you're from Department of Civil Engineering at Trinity College of Engineering and Reseach, you can access the Google Classroom Codes of all the faculties by clicking here.
Thanks for reading..