I recently stumbled across this Youtube channel, "Engineering Models" that hosts videos demonstrating concepts of structural engineering and topics relevant to civil engineering. In most of the videos, the narrator uses models to demonstrate the concept and make it easier to explain. I feel that such types of models and methods of teaching concepts should be inculcated in all institutes. It's a remarkable contribution by the YouTube channel & University of Waterloo towards structural engineering community.
Here are a few videos from the channel. It was quite a brush up of concepts that I'd learned at college while I was an undergrad student.
Shear in Beams Model
There are quite a few other models that you can see on their youtube channel, for mechanics I've included a playlist below:
Also, check out this website by Prof. G. Wayne Brodland, "BRODLAND COMMONS"
to learn about more such models and other resources.
Thanks for Reading
-Sayyed Shadaab
Engineer for the Digital Civilization
-Sayyed Shadaab
Engineer for the Digital Civilization